Winter Garden Aglow – Compare and Contrast

My final catch-up post.

It is so challenging to take photos in the winter night at the Idaho Botanical Garden.

If I take the photo without the flash it’s sometimes blurry but if I use the flash, the magic is gone, in my opinion.

Here, you can judge.

A beautiful evergreen shrub with and without flash:

Botanical Gardens 052
Botanical Gardens 053

Next, the Zen Garden alcove without a flash and then with a flash (and my kid):

Botanical Gardens 073
Botanical Gardens 079

Now some beautiful grasses, which I think actually do look better with the flash, maybe. Okay, maybe not.

Botanical Gardens 109
Botanical Gardens 111

Finally, several photos of the train, only one with a flash:

Botanical Gardens 119

Botanical Gardens 114
Botanical Gardens 122
Botanical Gardens 146

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