Chalk-o-late Milk Truck


During our visit to Farmstead Festival we saw a milk truck that they had covered with chalkboards that they were calling the Farmstead Chalk-o-late milk truck, and this week Cee has “Things People Drive” as her theme for her Fun Foto Challenge.

It was FASCINATING to me, for some reason.

I took wide shots, angle shots, close-up shots… it was just so cool.

Here’s my favorites, so totally random that I wouldn’t have been able to post them for any other theme… I might have had to post them for Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge, but – no – Cee, herself, saved me with a MOST appropriate theme. Which is good, since I see that she closed the Odd Ball Challenge back in August.

Cee – I hope you know how inspirational you are to your fellow photographers. I love having ways to add context to my goofy, random photos.

Farmstead 007
Farmstead 011
Farmstead 016
Farmstead 019
Farmstead 030
Farmstead 037
Farmstead 043

2 thoughts on “Chalk-o-late Milk Truck

    1. Thanks. Sometimes I think I’m the only one that sees something in the images I capture, it is so fun to be part of your community of bloggers. And thank you for promoting other challenges, I’ve joined some of those, too.

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